Familia Guttiferae


NB Guttiferae is a nom. cons. This name is valid and can be used as well as the name Clusiaceae. However, many of the taxa in this Plant Portrait are moved to either Hypericaceae or Calophyllaceae.

The Key contains the characters for the Guttiferae in the broader sense (s.l.). At family level it is thus possible to end up here, while at genus level you may end up in the other mentioned families. Garcinia is the only genus in this Key that is within the Guttiferae s.s. /Clusiaceae.

Morphological description

Woody, non-climbing; coloured sap in bark (often yellow). Reddish sap, capsule with winged seeds (Cratoxylum). Sometimes (sub)shrubs, flowers yellow (Hypericum).


Leaves simple, decussate (rarely verticillate), entire, penninerved, exstipulate. Leaves usually with latex glands or canals. Leaves with very dense, parallel venation (Calophyllum); fine, dark resin ducts crossing the veins, basal excavations and stipule-like structures at base of petiole (Garcinia).


Flower actinomorphic, petals free, stamens numerous; ovary superior. Sometimes flowers yellow (Hypericum). Sometimes flowers unisexual (Garcinia, Mammea and some Calophyllum).


Fruit sometimes a capsule with winged seeds (Cratoxylum).

Different from: Celastraceae: leaves often dentate; no sap; few stamens — Loganiaceae: no sap; petals fused; few stamens. — Theaceae: leaves spiral, mostly dentate; no sap.

Distribution: The family world-wide, some genera extending to temperate regions. In Malesia 7 genera incl.: - Calophyllum (pantropical), trees; lowland and lower montane forest; - Cratoxylum (Southeast Asia, West Malesia), trees of primary and secondary lowland forest; - Garcinia (paleotropical), mostly trees of lowland to montane rain forest.

Notes: The Hypericaceae often considered a separate family. — Several useful plants: Garcinia and Mammea (edible fruits). — Timber:Calophyllum and Mesua. — Ornamentals: Hypericum, Mesua.

Literature: N.K.B. Robson, Fl. Males. I, 8 (1974) 1-29 (Hypericaceae); P.F. Stevens, Revision Calophyllum, J. Arnold Arbor. 61 (1980) 117-690; T.C. Whitmore, Tree Fl. Mal. 2 (1972) 162-236.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Guttiferae 56, 79, 104 - Calophyllum 19, 21, 67 - Cratoxylum 19, 59, 100, 102; C. formosum 12 - Garcinia 5, 6 (SAN 77272); 16, 19, 21, 22, 39, 46, 53, 59, 67, 80, 88, 99 - Hypericum 59 - Kayea 17, 52; K. calophylloides 67 - Mammea 19, 53, 59; M. acuminata 70; M. calciphylla 39; M. woodii 39, 70 - Mesua 19, 46.

Illustrations: Fig. 76. Cratoxylum arborescens (Vahl) Blume: a. habit; b. venation; c. petiole; d. flower; e. petal; f. scale; g & h. staminal phalanges; i. staminodial fascicle; j. stamen; k & l. fruit; m. seed. Fig. 77. Garcinia segmentata Kosterm., showing habit, flower, and details of flower (Courtesy Reinwardtia, Bogor).

Images in PhytoImages for Guttiferae/Clusiaceae