Familia Himantandraceae


Morphological description

Trees; aromatic.


Leaves alternate, simple, entire, covered by brown scales, penninerved, exstipulate.


Flowers usually solitary, axillary.


Flower bisexual, actinomorphic; perianth a deciduous calyptra; stamens and staminodes petaloid, numerous; carpels free in flower, fused in fruit.


Fruit a globular berry.



Different from: with calyx and corolla. — Magnoliaceae: stipulate, not lepidote.

Distribution: The only genus, Galbulimima, consists of 1-3 species ranging from Sulawesi to New Guinea and East Australia.

Notes: Tree of montane forest, limited use as timber tree; the bark, when chewed, induces hallucinations.

Literature: J.R. Croft, Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea 1 (1978). — Dr. P.K. Endress (Zurich) is revising the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): 26, 59.

Illustrations: Fig. 80. Galbulimima belgraveana (F. Muell.) Sprague (Courtesy of Department of Forests, PNG).

For images see Kew Plants of the World Online for Himantandraceae