Familia Lauraceae


Morphological description

Woody trees. Twining parasite (Cassytha).


Leaves simple, entire, usually spiral or alternate; often coriaceous, triplinerved, glaucous below; aromatic; exstipulate. Sometimes leaves mostly opposite, triplinerved (Cinnamomum); leaves crowded, often brown-hairy (Actinodaphne). Sometimes leaves drying blackish (most Dehaasia, some Lindera).


Flower ovary superior. Sometimes ovary inferior (Cassytha, Cryptocarya, Eusideroxylon, Potoxylon)


Fruit sometimes stalk swollen, fleshy (Alseodaphne, Dehaasia).

Different from: Icacinaceae: 2 ovules, anthers not opening by valves. — Monimiaceae: leaves (sub)opposite, dentate.

Distribution: The family world-wide. In Malesia 20 genera, mostly of the mid-montane rain forest; incl.: - Cinnamomum (Indo-Australia), trees; - Cryptocarya (pantropical), trees of lowland and montane rain forest; - Eusideroxylon (Sumatra and Borneo), large trees, lowland; - Litsea (pantropical), mostly small trees of lowland and montane rain forest.

Notes: Several species produce fruits eaten by various animals. — Many useful plants, incl.: spices: Cinnamomum; medicinal uses: Cryptocarya, Cinnamomum; edible fruits: Persea americana*, some Litsea; timber: Eusideroxylon (Ironwood, Ulin), Cryptocarya.

Literature: A. J.G.H. Kostermans, Lauraceae. Comm. For. Res. Inst. Indon. 57 (1957); K.M. Kochummen, Tree Fl. Mal. 4 (1989) 98-178.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Lauraceae 30, 56, 57, 58, 59, 79 - Actinodaphne 14, 46, 76, 87 - Actinolindera 87 - Alseodaphne 46, 87 - Beilschmiedia 14, 15, 52, 87 - Caryodaphnopsis 64, 87 - Cassytha 5, 7, 11, 92 - Cinnadenia 87 - Cinnamomum 45, 64, 85, 87 - Cryptocarya 64, 87, 92, 99; Cryptocarya (Davis 759) 9 - Dehaasia 54, 87 - Endiandra 45, 87 - Eusideroxylon 87, 92 - Hexapora 87 - Lindera 54, 64, 71, 76, 87 - Litsea 45, 70, 71, 76, 87, 93 - Neocinnamomum 87 - Neolitsea 46, 64, 87 - Notaphoebe 87 - Persea 87 - Phoebe 14, 87, 93 - Potoxylon 87, 92 - Triadodaphne 87.

Illustrations: Fig. 85. Beilschmiedia gigantocarpa Kosterm.: a. habit; b. flower; c. stamens; d. fruit (Courtesy Reinwardtia, Bogor). Fig. 86. Cinnamomum lawang Kosterm.: a & b. habit; c. stamen; d. pistil (Courtesy Reinwardtia, Bogor).

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