Familia Lentibulariaceae


Morphological description

(Semi)aquatic herbs, leafless, bearing bladder-like organs to capture small organisms.


Inflorescence racemose.


Flower bisexual, zygomorphic; calyx 2-lobed, corolla 2-lipped; stamens 2; ovary superior.


Fruit a capsule.

Different from: Scrophulariaceae: leaves present, bladders absent.

Distribution: The family almost cosmopolitan. In Malesia only Utricularia with 22 species.

Notes: In collecting species of Utricularia, care should be taken to also collect the minute bladders.

Literature: P. Taylor, Fl. Males. I, 8 (1977) 275-300; The genus Utricularia, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 14 (1989) 1-724.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Utricularia 8.

Illustrations: Fig. 100. Utricularia scandens Benj. (Lentibulariaceae). Base of peduncle with rhizoids, foliar organ and traps; enlarged trap and flowers. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 8 (1977) 283, fig. 6a, b, e, f. 131 a b c f d e.

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