Familia Loganiaceae


NB Loganiaceae included more genera before, e.g., Buddleja (now Schrophulariacae), Fagraea (now Gentianaceae) and Gelsemium (now Gelsemiacae).

Morphological description

Woody usually, sometimes climbers (Gardneria, most Strychnos); and sometimes with hooks and triplinerved leaves (Strychnos).


Leaves decussate (incl. verticillate), entire, simple; interpetiolar ridge sometimes resembling interpetiolar stipules.


Inflorescence usually terminal or axillary panicles or cymes.


Flower actinomorphic, hermaphroditic, 4-5-merous, sympetalous; ovary superior.


Fruits dehiscent.



Different from: Apocynaceae: milky sap, swollen stigma. — Rubiaceae: interpetiolar stipules, ovary inferior, often raphides.

Distribution: The family pantropical, some species extending to the warm temperate zone. In Malesia some genera, incl.: - - Strychnos (pantropical), lowland rain forest, also open vegetation.

Notes: The family is here treated in the traditional sense. Lately it has been divided into several families. — Medicinal plants: Spigelia (vermifuge). —Poison: Strychnos.

Literature: P.W. Leenhouts, Fl. Males. I, 6 (1962) 293-387; I, 9 (1982) 567-568; K.M. Wong & J.B. Sugau, Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak 2 (1996) 189-224.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Gardneria 5, 6, 92 - Geniostoma 54 - Mitrasacme 46 - Neuburgia 32 - Spigelia 46 - Strychnos 4, 6, 54, 64, 94.

Illustrations: Fig. 98. Stychnos colubrina L.: a. twig with inflorescence and hooks; b -e. details of flower; f. fruits; g & h. seed.

Image in PhytoImages for Loganiaceae