Familia Lophopyxidaceae


Morphological description

Woody, usually climbing with tendrils.


Leaves spiral, simple, dentate, stipulate.


Inflorescence paniculate.


Flower 5-merous, sepals valvate, united at base; petals minute, free; ovary superior.


Fruit with 5 wings.

Different from: Cardiopteridaceae: fruit with two wings (Cardiopteris). - Combretaceae: leaves opposite, no tendrils (Combretum). - Rhamnaceae: fruit 3-winged (Gouania); fruit with one wing (Ventilago). - Climbing Icacinaceae: exstipulate, fruit not winged.

Distribution: The family is monotypic, widespread in lowlands of Malesia and Melanesia.

Literature: H. Sleumer, Fl. Males. I, 7 (1971) 89-91.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Lophopyxis 4, 58, 98.

Illustrations: Fig. 104. Lophopyxis maingayi Hook. f. (Lophopyxidaceae). a. Habit; b. female flower; c. male flower; d. infructescence; e. fruit. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 7 (1971) 91, fig. 1. a d b c e

Images in Kew Plants of the World online for Lophopyxidaceae