NB Calltrichaceae is a synonym of Plantaginaceae. See for the only genus Callitriche also under Plantaginaceae.
Morphological description
Leaves simple, opposite, entire, triplinerved, exstipulate.
Flowers usually solitary, axillary.
Flower unisexual, calyx + corolla absent, ovary superior.
Fruit winged.
Different from: Aquatic Scrophulariaceae: leaves penninerved, flowers with calyx and corolla.
Distribution: The only genus of the family, Callitriche is widespread, always in wet localities. In Malesia very rare.
Literature: C.A. Backer, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1951) 251-252; P. van Royen, Alp. Fl. New Guinea 7 (1983) 3129-3132.
Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Callitriche 64, 98.
Illustrations: Fig. 39. Callitriche verna L. (Callitrichaceae). a. Tip of a stem; b-f. ripe fruit (b, c, lateral; d, seen on top; e, f, detached segments; b-f enlarged). Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 4 (1951) 252, fig. 1. a e f d b c.
Images in PhytoImages for Plantaginaceae and for Callitriche