Familia Cardiopteridaceae


NB this Plant portrait need to be updated since it contains more than only Cardiopteris. Also Citronella and Pseudobotrys belong to the enlarged family.

Morphological description

Climbers with milky sap.


Leaves simple, spiral, palminerved, exstipulate.




Flower actinomorphic, usually bisexual, 5-merous; disk absent, ovary superior.


Fruit indehiscent with two wings.

Different from: Combretaceae: leaves opposite, venation pinnate (Combretum). - Lophopyxidaceae: no sap, fruit 5-winged.

Distribution: The only genus, Cardiopteris, consists of two species, in SE Asia and Malesia, in edges of lowland forest.

Notes: The leaves are edible.

Literature: H. Sleumer, Fl. Males. I, 7 (1971) 93-96.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Cardiopteris 5, 19, 98.

Illustrations: Fig. 44. Cardiopteris moluccana Blume (Cardiopteridaceae). Habit; infructescence enlarged. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 7 (1971) 95, fig. 1a, f.

Images in Kew Flora of the World online for Cardiopteridaceae.