Familia Costaceae


Morphological description

Plant usually semi-woody branched stems. Non aromatic.


Leaves simple, entire, spirally arranged, with tubular sheaths.


Flower bisexual, ovary inferior, lateral staminodes absent.

Different from: Zingiberaceae: stemless, aromatic, leaves distichous, lateral staminodes usually present, stems never branched.

Distribution: The family is pantropical. In Malesia: Costus (widespread), lowland forest; Tapeinochilos (East Malesia, Australia), in (edges of) lowland rain forest.

Notes: The family is often included in the Zingiberaceae. Several species are (potential) ornamentals. Some species are used medicinally or have edible leaves.

Literature: P. J.M. Maas, Blumea 25 (1975) 543-549.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Costaceae 92.

Illustrations: Fig. 59. Costus speciosus (Koenig) Sm. (Costaceae). Reproduced from M.R. Henderson, Malayan wild flowers, Monocotyledons (1954, repr. 1974) 135. With kind permission of the Malaysian Nature Society. 83.

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