Familia Daphniphyllaceae


Morphological description

Woody, non-climbing.


Leaves simple, spiral, usually entire, glaucous below, penninerved, exstipulate.


Flower apetalous, unisexual (plants dioecious); ovary imperfectly 2-locular, 2 ovules per cell, 2 stigmas.

Different from: Euphorbiaceae: stipulate, usually 3-locular, ovule with a caruncle.

Distribution: The only genus, Daphniphyllum, was formerly included in the Euphorbiaceae and occurs in Southeast Asia and Malesia, mostly in montane forest.

Literature: L T.C. Huang, Taiwania 11 (1965) 57-98; 12 (1966) 137-234; Fl. Males. I, 13 (1997) 145-168it.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): 30, 46, 79, 89.

Illustrations: Fig. 48. Daphniphyllum gracile Gage: a. habit; b. male flower; c. female flower; d. fruit (Courtesy Department of Forests, PNG).

Image in PhytoImages for Daphniphyllaceae