Familia Lamiaceae


NB This family is enlarged in APG IV with many genera that were first in Verbenaceae. Both names Labiatae as well as Lamiaceae may be used.

Morphological description

Usually aromatic, glandular hairy herbs. Stems quadrangular. Sometimes stellate hairs (Gomphostemma).


Leaves simple, decussate (incl. verticillate), exstipulate, penninerved; usually lobed or dentate, with glands (not pellucid). Leaves sometimes verticillate (Pogostemon).


Flower zygomorphic, gamosepalous, gamopetalous, ovary superior; style 1, gynobasic. Usually calyx with a scale (Scutellaria); corolla with a spur (Ceratanthus); stamens long exerted (Orthosiphon).


Fruit of 4 one-seeded mericarps.

Different from: Acanthaceae: not aromatic or glandular, cystoliths, sepals free, fruit a capsule. - Boraginaceae: leaves spiral, flowers ± actinomorphic. - Gesneriaceae: not glandular, fruit 1-locular, many-seeded. - Scrophulariaceae: not aromatic, fruit many-seeded. - Verbenaceae: not aromatic, fruit indehiscent.

Distribution: The family worldwide; in Malesia 30 native genera, including- Ocimum (pantropical, most species in Africa), open places in lowland, also planted; - Orthosiphon (Africa, Asia), open places, often planted; - Plectranthus (Africa to Pacific), primary and secondary forest, mostly lowland.

Notes: Several species useful for mankind. - Medicinal plants: Basilicum, Ocimum, Orthosiphon, Plectranthus (Coleus), Pogostemon. - Spices: Mentha, Ocimum. - Edible tubers: Plectranthus rotundifolius. - Ornamentals: Plectranthus, introduced species of Salvia. Fig. 95. Ocimum basilicum L. (Labiatae). Reproduced from M.R. Henderson, Malayan wild flowers, Dicotyledons (1949/51, repr. 1974) 395. With kind permission of the Malaysian Nature Society.

Literature: H. Keng, Fl. Males. I, 8 (1978) 301- 394.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Labiatae 31, 59, 91 - Dysophylla 46 - Gomphostemma 25 - Leucas 2 - Pogostemon 46 - Salvia 25, 50; S. scapiformis 49.

Illustrations: Fig. 96. Leucas lavandulifolia Smith (Labiatae). Reproduced from C.A. Backer, Weed Flora of Javanese Sugar-cane fields, Atlas pt 16 (1973) t. 529. Fig. 97. Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq. (Labiatae). Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 8 (1978) 381, fig. 31a. Fig. 98. Plectranthus steenisii Keng (Labiatae). Habit; enlarged corolla and fruiting calyx.

Image in PhytoImages for Lamiaceae