Familia Magnoliaceae


NB Magnoliaceae has been formerly described with two subfamilies of which Magnolioideae with several genera. Recently these genera are all placed in Magnolia, leaving the family with just two genera: Magnolia and Liriodendron. In this online key the former genera of Magnoloideae occurring in the region are having each its own page.

Morphological description

Woody, non-climbing.


Leaves spiral, simple, entire, penninerved; stipule amplexicaul, leaving ring-like scar. Stipules sometimes adnate to petiole (Magnolia sect. Blumiana).


Inflorescence terminal.


Flower solitary, usually large, aromatic, hermaphroditic, tepals free, in several series, imbricate; with free stamens in basal part and free carpels in upper part.


Fruit more or less woody, dehiscent, ripe seeds dangling from thin threads (spirally thickened vessels of funicle).


Seed dangling from thin threads (spirally thickened vessels of funicle).

Different from: Annonaceae: exstipulate, twigs on cross section with radial medullary rays. — Himantandraceae: no stipules, fruit a berry. — Lauraceae: exstipulate, flowers much smaller, never apocarpous. — Winteraceae: exstipulate, flowers unisexual.

Distribution: The family chiefly in northern hemisphere. In Malesia 5 (former) genera within Magnolia s.l., best represented in montane rain forest, incl.: - Elmerillia (East Malesia); - Magnolia (incl. Aromadendron, Talauma; Asia incl. Malesia, America); - Manglietia (Southeast Asia, West Malesia); - Michelia (Indo-Malesia); - Pachylarnax ( Southeast Asia, West Malesia).

Notes: Ornamental plants: Magnolia* p.p., Michelia. — Timber trees: Elmerillia, Manglietia, Michelia.

Literature: H.P. Nooteboom, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1988) 561-605.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Magnoliaceae 30, 37, 58, 72, 79, 104 - Elmerillia 33 - Magnolia 33, 43, 53, 85 - Manglietia 33 - Michelia 33, 43 - Pachylarnax 33.

Illustrations: Fig. 100. Elmerillia tsiampacca (L.) Dandy: a. twig with flowers and stipule scars; b & c. stamens; d. ovary; e & f. fruit. Fig. 101. Magnolia carsonii Dandy ex Noot. var. drymifolia Noot.: a & b. habit; b. flower.

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