Familia Myoporaceae


Morphological description

NB Myoporaceae are now included in Scrophulariacae

Woody; stems terete.


Leaves usually spiral, simple, penninerved, exstipulate.


Inflorescence: a few flowers together in axils of leaves.


Flower bisexual, 5-merous, a few together in axils of leaves, corolla tubular; stamens inserted on the tube; ovary superior. Usually zygomorphic, stamens 4.


Fruit a ridged drupe.



Different from: Scrophulariaceae: leaves usually opposite, fruit a capsule. - Verbenaceae: leaves usually opposite, stems quadrangular, flowers in compound inflorescence.

Distribution: The family is best represented in Australia. In Malesia only Myopo- rum papuanum, a shrub of open places in savannah and near the coast.

Notes: note.

Literature: S. Bloembergen, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1951) 265-266.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Myoporum 59, 99.

Illustrations: Fig. 119. Myoporum papuanum Kraenzl. (Myoporaceae). Flowering twig; flowers enlarged. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 4 (1951) 265, fig. 1.

Image in PhytoImages for Scrophulariaceae