Familia Arecaceae


NB Palmae is a synonym of Arecaceae.

Morphological description

Woody. Usually stem unbranched. Sometimes: stemless mangrove plant (Nypa); monocarpic (dying after flowering) (Corypha, some Metroxylon); climbing (rattans)


Leaves plicate in bud, exstipulate, petiole sheathing (sheaths sometimes open). Usually leaves spiral, variously dissected (palmate or pinnate). Sometimes: huge simple leaves (Johannesteijsmannia) or leaves bipinnate (Caryota).


Inflorescence covered by a large bract (spatha).


Flowers actinomorphic, usually unisexual, 3-merous; stamens usually 6; ovary usually 3-locular, superior, 1 ovule per cell.


Fruit a 1-seeded drupe.



Different from: Pandanaceae: leaves linear, usually 3-ranked, leaf blade spiny; flowers without perianth. — Cycadaceae: resinous, inflorescence a unisexual terminal strobilus. 

Distribution: The family widespread, largely tropical. In Malesia 52 genera, incl.: - Areca (Indo-Malesia), lowland and lower montane rain forest; - Arenga (Indo-Malesia), mostly lowland rain forest; - Calamus (paleotropical), climber, lowland and lower montane rain forest; - Cocos (pantropical), coastal tree, also inland to c. 800 m, often planted; - Metroxylon (Malesia, West Pacific), lowland swamp forest, also often planted; - Salacca (Indo-Malesia), lowland rain forest, some planted. 

Notes: A family well represented in various habitats, especially in lowland rain forest. Many species useful to man. — The growing bud of many species edible; edible fruit: Arenga, Borassus, Cocos, Salacca; flour: Arenga, Metroxylon; sugar: Arenga, Cocos; oil: Cocos, Elaeis*; (alcoholic) drinks: Arenga, Borassus. — Stems and leaves of many species used for building, plaiting, binding, production of furniture: rattans (Calamus, Daemonorops, Korthalsia), Cocos, Arenga, Nypa. — Ornamentals: Areca, Cyrtostachys, Licuala, Livistona, Oreodoxa*, Pinanga, Rhaphis*, Roystonea*.

Literature: E. J.H. Corner, The natural history of Palms, London, 1966; J. Dransfield, A short guide to Rattans, Biotrop, Bogor (1974); J. P. Mogea, Palm Indonesia, LBN 13, Bogor, (1978); N. Uhl & J. Dransfield, Genera Palmarum, Ithaca (1987). Dr. J. Dransfield (K) is coordinating the revision of the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): 
Schopfbaüme: many taxa, e.g., Adonidia, Areca, Nenga, Pinanga – Climbers with hooks or tendrils:  Calamus (incl. Calospatha), Ceratolobus, Daemonorops, Korthalsia, Myrialepis, Plectocomia, Plectocomiopsis, Pogonotium, Retispatha – Plants with thorns, spines or prickles: Bactris, Borassus, Calamus (incl. Calospatha), Ceratolobus, Daemonorops, Eleiodoxa, Eugeissona, Korthalsia, Licuala, Metroxylon (p.p.), Myrialepis, Oncosperma, Pholidocarpus, Pigafetta, Plectocomia, Plectocomiopsis, Pogonotium, Retispatha, Salacca, Verschaffeltia splendida – Ant plants: Daemonorops (p.p.), Korthalsia (p.p.) – Bulbills: Daemonorops (p.p.) -  Yellow sap: Calamus, Daemonorops – Red or orange sap: Daemonorops (p.p.) (only fruit) – Leaves bipinnate: e.g., Caryota – Glaucous leaves: some taxa, e.g., Arenga (p.p.), Korthalsia (p.p.) – Bullate leaves: Pinanga ridleyana – Cystoliths: e.g., Caryota – Monocarpic plants (death after flowering): Corypha, Metroxylon, Plectocomia – Cauliflorous plants: Actinorhytis, Adonidia, Areca, Arenga, Caryota, Cyrtostachys, Hydriastele, Nenga, Oncosperma, Pinanga, Rhopaloblaste, Wallichia – Flagelliflory: Arenga, Calamus (p.p.), Calyptrocalyx, Linospadix, Livistona, Plectocomia, Sommieria – Compact inflorescence: Nypa – Staminal tube present: some taxa, e.g., Licuala – Compound fruit: Nypa – Ruminate endosperm: Actinorhytis, Adonidia, Archonthophoenix, Areca, Bentinckia, Calamus (p.p.), Caryota, Daemonorops, Dypsis (p.p.), Euterpe (p.p.), Hydriastele (p.p.), Iguanura (p.p.), Korthalsia (p.p.), Nenga, Normanbya, Oncosperma, Phoenix, Physokentia (p.p.), Pinanga (p.p.), Ptychococcus paradoxus (p.p.), Ptychosperma (p.p.), Rhopaloblaste, Verschaffeltia.

Illustrations: Fig. 127. Calamus adspersus Blume. Fig. 128. Metroxylon sagu Rottb., showing plant before and during flowering, with inflorescence and infructescence.

Palmae is a synonym of Arecaceae