Familia Rhamnaceae


Morphological description

Woody. Sometimes climbers with axillary tendrils (Gouania) or hooks (Smythea, Ventilago); scramblers with prickles (Zizyphus). 


Leaves simple, spiral. Leaves usually distichous, serrate dentate, palminerved, scalariform tertiary venation, stipules small.




Flowers actinomorphic, stamens isomerous, opposite the free petals, intrastaminal disk; ovules basal.


Fruit a drupe. Sometimes fruit a samara (Smythea, Ventilago) or fruit 3-winged (Gouania).



Different from: Celastraceae: leaves usually opposite, stamens alternating with petals. — Euphorbiaceae: flowers unisexual, stamens not opposite the petals, ovules apical. 

Distribution: World-wide; in Malesia 11 genera, incl.: - Colubrina (pantropical), shrubs or trees, lowland secondary and primary forest; - Zizyphus (world-wide), thorny trees or climbers: primary and secondary forest, savannahs.

Notes: Edible fruit: Zizyphus mauritiana*. — Roadside tree: Maesopsis.

Literature: C.A. Backer & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 2 (1965) 80 -85; A. Latiff, Tree Fl. Mal. 4 (1989) 197-301. — Dr. C. Schirarend (Hamburg) is revising the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Rhamnaceae 58, 83 - Alphitonia 26, 68 - Berchemia 26, 68 - Colubrina 68, 101; C. anomala 64 - Emmenosperma 68, 101 - Gouania 4, 68, 92, 98 - Maesopsis 68 - Rhamnella 68 - Rhamnus 68, 90 - Sageretia 68 - Smythea 4, 68, 98 - Ventilago 4, 68, 98 - Zizyphus 4, 64, 68.

Illustrations: Fig. 136. Colubrina asiatica (L.) Brongn., showing habit, flower and CS of fruit. 227 Fig. 137. Rhamnus nepalensis (Wall.) Laws.

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