Familia Saxifragaceae


NB Saxifragaceae was formerly a larger family including genera that are now placed in a.o. Escalloniaceae, Celastraceae, Hydrangeaceae, Itaceae, Paracryphiaceae, Penthoraceae and Rousseaceae. Astilbe and Saxifraga are few of the genera remaining in Saxifragaceae s.s. This Plant Portrait is for Saxifragaceae s.l. and need to be updated.

Morphological description

Woody usually. Sometimes herb with compound leaves, apocarpous (Astilbe); trees/shrubs, opposite simple leaves, 1 style, fruit 1-seeded (Polyosma); trees/climbers, leaves with gland dots, often with scales (Quintinia).


Leaves usually simple, exstipulate, serrate/dentate. Sometimes with compound leaves (Astilbe); opposite simple leaves, leaves with gland dots, often with scales (Quintinia).




Flowers actinomorphic, disk present. Usually ovary (semi-)inferior. Sometimes apocarpous (Astilbe); sometimes 1 style, fruit 1-seeded (Polyosma).


Fruit usually many-seeded, 2-5 distinct styles.



Different from: Cunoniaceae: leaves always opposite, stipulate. — Rosaceae: stipulate, ovary superior. 

Distribution: World-wide; in Malesia 9 genera, incl.: - Polyosma (Indo-Australia), trees, mostly montane forest; - Quintinia (East Malesia, Australia, Pacific), shrubs or trees, rarely climbers; montane to subalpine forest.

Notes: A heterogeneous family; several genera have been placed in different families. — Some introduced ornamentals; indigenous species with ornamental potential: Dichroa, some Polyosma.

Literature: C.A. Backer & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 1 (1963) 202-203, 506-509; T. Shimizu & M.T. Kao, Fl. Taiwan 3 (1977) 25-51; L.G. Saw, Tree Fl. Mal. 4 (1989) 462-469.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Saxifragaceae 92 - Astilbe 50 - Carpodetus 52 - Deutzia 25, 26 - Dichroa 93 - Hydrangea 6, 25 - Itea 89 - Polyosma 31, 55, 59, 89, 93, 105; P. verticillata 46 - Quintinia 22, 26.

Illustrations: Fig. 156. Polyosma cestroides Schltr.: a. habit; b. detail of venation; c. fruit. 

Image in PhytoImages for Saxifragaceae