Familia Torricelliaceae


NB This family has been formed under APG IV out of three monogeneric families.

Morphological description

Small shrub or tree.


Leaves simple, entire, or irregularly incised, alternate, petiolate. Stipules absent. Leaf blade pinnate or palmate (Torricellia)


Inflorescence usually a terminal panicle.


Flowers actinomorphic, unisexual. Sepals (3-) 5, basally fused; petals (3-) 5 fused (absent in female flowers of Torricellia); stamens 5, anthers dorsifixed; female flowers similar with 3 staminodes and an ovary with 3-4 styles with a broad stigma.


Fruit a drupe, when ripe black or purplish, with a single seed: although tricarpellate and trilocular it contains only one fertile locule and two sterile ones. Seed pendulous from a thickened funicle.


Seeds with ruminate endosperm.

Different from: Araliaceae have secretory channels in stems or leaves, different inflorescences and flowers.

Distribution: The family has three genera: Aralidium (South Indochina to West Malesia), Melanophylla (Madagascar) and Torricellia (East Himalaya to South China, Myanmar and Vietnam).

Notes: Only one species Aralidium pinnatifidum

Literature: W.R. Philipson, Fl. Males. I, 9 (1979) 1-15 (Aralidium).

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Aralidium: Drying leaves turn black

Illustrations: W.R. Philipson, Fl. Males. I, 9 (1979) p.15, fig.4. (Aralidium).

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