Familia Smilacaceae


NB Only genus in this family now is Smilax (incl Heterosmilax). Ripogonum is placed in its own family Ripogonaceae, but still included in this Plant Portrait.

Morphological description

More or less woody; usually climbing with tendrils and armed with spines. Sometimes unarmed liana and leaves opposite or verticillate (Ripogonum). 


Leaves simple, curvinerved, spiral, petiole broadened. Sometimes leaves opposite or verticillate (Ripogonum). 




Flowers actinomorphic, sepals 3, petals 3; usually unisexual, stamens 6, ovary superior.


Fruit a berry.



Different from: Philesiaceae: no tendrils, unarmed. - Liliaceae: herbaceous; usually not climbing, unarmed. 

Distribution: The family pantropical, in Malesia: - Heterosmilax, few species; - Smilax, many species widespread in all kinds of vegetation types, mostly in lowland.

Notes: The family is often included in Liliaceae. The roots of some American species produce sarsaparilla.

Literature: T. Koyama, Quart. Journal Taiw. Mus. 13 (1960) 1-61; J.G. Conran & H.T. Clifford, Fl. Austral. 46 (1986) 180-196.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Heterosmilax 38 - Ripogonum 5, 6, 46 - Smilax 4, 12, 30, 59, 64; S. borneensis 9.

Illustrations: Fig. 164. Smilax setosa Miq. (Smilacaceae). Reproduced from M. R. Henderson, Malayan wild flowers, Monocotyledons (1954, repr. 1974) 182. With kind permission of the Malaysian Nature Society.

Image in PhytoImages for Smilacaceae