Familia Amaranthaceae


This description is for Amaranthaceae, which includes under APG IV also Chenopodiaceae. The latter is described under Chenopodiaceae.

Morphological description

Herbaceous, sometimes more or less woody climbers (Deeringia;) exstipulate.


Leaves simple, usually entire.


Tepals 3-5, scarious, stamens as many as tepals and opposite to the latter; ovary superior, 1-celled


Fruit thin walled

Different from: Chenopodiaceae: perianth rarely scarious.

Distribution: The family worldwide. In Malesia 12 native genera, mostly in open places, including Alternanthera, mostly creeping herbs, open places; - Amaranthus, herbs, open places, often cultivated; - Deeringia, climbers, lowland secondary and primary forest.

Notes: Several species useful for man. Vegetable: Amaranthus. Ornamentals: Alternanthera, Celosia, Gomphrena, Iresine*. Medicinal: Aerva, Deeringia.

Literature: C.A. Backer, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1949) 69-98; ibid. I, 6 (1972) 915- 917.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Presence of thorns, spines or prickles: Alternanthera, Amaranthus and Salsola - Climber without hooks or tendrils: Deeringia - Swollen nodes: Gomphrena, Iresine – Dentate / serrate leaf margin: Celosia, Chenodium - Flagelliflory: Deeringia amaranthoides p.p. – Leaf-opposed inflorescence: Allmannia – Compact inflorescence: Celosia, Gomphrena, Ptilotus – Stamens opposite the petals: Amaranthaceae – White fruit: Deeringia p.p.

Illustrations in Plant portraits: Fig. 10. Amaranthus tricolor L. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 4 (1949) 78, fig. 2., Fig. 11. Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume (Amaranthaceae). Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 4 (1949) 82, fig. 4., Fig. 12. Deeringia amaranthoides (Lam.) Merr. (Amaranthaceae). Reproduced from J.J. Ochse & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (1980) fig. 19.

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