Familia Corsiaceae


Morphological description

Small saprophytic herbs, usually underground horizontal stems present, emergent parts purplish.


Leaves reduced to 3-5 nerved sheaths.


Inflorescence contracted panicles


Flower single, zygomorphic, bisexual; median sepal (labellum) enlarged, covering the other flower parts, 2 lateral sepals and 3 petals linear, free, stamens 6; ovary inferior, 1-celled.


Fruit a capsule.

Different from: Burmanniaceae: flowers actinomorphic, flower parts fused. - Orchidaceae: usually 1, rarely 2 or 3 stamens.

Distribution: The family consists of two genera, one in Chile, the other mainly in New Guinea, with a few species in the Solomons and Australia.

Notes: Most species are found in lower montane forest, often together with other saprophytes.

Literature: P. van Royen, Webbia 27 (1972) 223-255; R. Schlechter, Bot. Jahrb. 49 (1913) 109-112.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Corsia 7, 92.

Illustrations: Fig. 58. Corsia lamellate Schltr. Reproduced from Bot. Jahrb. 49 (1913) 111, fig.1: K, L.

Images in Kew Plants of the World Online for Corsiaceae