Familia Corynocarpaceae


Morphological description



Leaves spiral, simple, entire, penninerved, exstipulate.


Flower5-merous, bisexual, outer two calyx lobes small, stamens opposite the petals, staminodes petaloid, disk of 5 glands. Ovary usually 2-locular, one cell abortive, one pendulous ovule


Fruit a drupe.

Different from: Anacardiaceae: resinous sap turning black; rarely with petaloid staminodes. — Celastraceae: stipulate, leaves often opposite, dentate, ovary 2-5-celled.

Distribution: The only genus, Corynocarpus, is represented in New Guinea, Queensland and the West Paciļ¬c; the only Malesian species, C. australasica, occurs in lowland to montane rain forest.

Notes: In New Zealand the fruit of Corynocarpus laevigata is eaten.

Literature: C.G.G.J. van Steenis, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1951) 262-264.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): twigs white, petiole black, glands on petiole or lamina, leaves verticillate (p.p.), leaf with dots, stamens opposite to the petals, leaf margin dentate/ serrate (p.p.).

Illustrations: Fig. 44. C.G.G.J. van Steenis, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1951) 262-264.

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