Familia Lythraceae


NB The family Lythraceae contains also Sonneratia (before Sonneratiaceae), Punica (before Punicaceae) and Trapa (before Trapaceae). Thias Plant Portrait needs to be updated.

Morphological description

Woody usually. Sometimes herb, petals wanting (Ammania)


Leaves opposite (incl. verticillate), entire, simple, exstipulate.


Flower bisexual, ovary superior, 1-6-celled. Usually actinomorphic, hypanthium present, calyx cup-shaped, lobes valvate; petals clawed, free, crinkled


Fruit a capsule, seeds numerous.


Seed numerous.

Different from: Crypteroniaceae: flowers unisexual. — Melastomataceae (Memecylon): ovary inferior. — Myrtaceae: leaves with translucent dots, ovary inferior. — Sonneratiaceae: ovary partly fused with calyx, 12-15-celled.

Distribution: Pantropical; in Malesia 5 indigenous genera, incl.: - Lagerstroemia (Indo-Australia), trees and shrubs, lowland everwet and monsoon forest. - Pemphis (paleotropics), trees and shrubs, littoral forest and mangrove.

Notes: The family is sometimes united with Crypteroniaceae and Sonneratiaceae. — Ornamentals: Cuphea*, Lagerstroemia, Lawsonia*. — Timber: Lagerstroemia. — Dyes: Lawsonia*.

Literature: B. Everett & T.C. Whitmore, Tree Fl. Mal. 2 (1983, repr.) 276-280.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Lythraceae 58, 83, 92 - Lagerstroemia 25, 27, 69, 100, 102.

Illustrations: Fig. 99. Lagerstroemia ovalifolia Teijsm. & Binn.¯

Image in PhytoImages for Lythraceae