Familia Primulaceae (Myrsinaceae)


NB This family is now included in Primulaceae.

Morphological description

Woody, innovations rusty-red. Sometimes climbers (Embelia, and Grenacheria); plagiotropic branches swollen at base, leaving large scars when shed (Ardisia); sometimes little branched plants with large leaves (Tapeinosperma); viviparous shrubs of the mangrove (Aegiceras); herbs (Labisia, some Ardisia).


Leaves spiral or alternate, simple, penninerved, exstipulate. Usually leaves with coloured (often red or blackish) dots




Flower petals connate at base, contorted, stamens opposite the petals; ovary 1-locular. Usually 5-merous, hermaphroditic, calyx persistent, often with whitish margin; ovary superior, several ovules on a basal placenta. Sometimes flowers unisexual in axillary clusters (Rapanea [Myrsine]); flowers unisexual, little branched plants with large leaves (Tapeinosperma); viviparous shrubs of the mangrove (Aegiceras);





Different from: Myristicaceae: red sap, seed arillate. — Plumbaginaceae: no dots, ovary with one ovule. — Ochnaceae: no dots, stipulate.

Distribution: The family widespread in tropical and warm temperate regions. In Malesia 12 genera, found in a variety of habitats, incl.: - Ardisia (Asia and America), herbs, shrubs, treelets, mostly lowland rain forest; - Embelia (paleotropics), climbers, especially montane rain forest; - Maesa (paleotropics), shrubs and scramblers, lowland and montane, primary and secondary rain forest; - Rapanea (tropics and warm temperate parts of the world), shrubs, treelets, mostly of montane rain forest.

Notes: The family is well represented in the forest undergrowth. — Edible leaves: Embelia. — Ornamentals (potential): Ardisia, Conandrium, Labisia.

Literature: C. Mez, Myrsinaceae in Engler, Pflanzenreich 9 (1901); H. Sleumer, Blumea 31 (1986) 245-269; 32 (1987) 39-65, 385-396; 33 (1988) 81-140; B.C. Stone, Tree Fl. Mal. 4 (1989) 264-284. — Prof. C. M. Hu (JPSC) is revising the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Myrsinaceae 59, 83, 84, 86 (not Maesa) - Ardisia 15, 20, 26, 46, 80 - Discocalyx 46, 105 - Embelia 5, 12, 15, 77 - Fittingia 95 - Loheria 105 - Maesa 5, 19, 92 - Rapanea 71, 77 - Tapeinosperma 10, 53, 105.

Illustrations: Fig. 116. Ardisia elliptica Thunb.: a. habit; b. flower; c. fruits. Fig. 117. Embelia ribes Burm. f.: a. habit; b. flower; c. fruits.

Image in PhytoImages for Myrsinaceae