Familia Sterculiaceae


NB This is in APG IV considered a synonym of Malvaceae. There is still discussion on the place.

Morphological description

Usually woody, non-climbing. Sometimes climbers with spiny fruits (Byttneria)


Leaves usually simple; alternate, basal nerves; usually stellate hairs or scales; petiole thickened at base and apex (bipulvinate). Sometimes leaves palmately compound (some Heritiera, some Sterculia).




Flowers actinomorphic, 5-merous; petals (if present) free, stamens connate, ovary superior. Usually androgynophore present; stamens few


Sometimes spiny fruits (Byttneria); fruit winged (incl. samara) (some Heritiera, Firmiana, Pterocymbium, Scaphium); fruit twisted (Helicteres); fruit an inflated, thin-walled capsule (Kleinhovia). 


Sometimes seeds winged (Pterospermum, Pterygota).

Different from: Bombacaceae: stamens numerous, seeds arillate. — Malvaceae: many stamens, united in a long tube. — Tiliaceae: stamens usually numerous, nearly always free. 

Distribution: The family pantropical. In Malesia 20 genera, incl.: - Heritiera (paleotropics), trees, mostly lowland rain forest; - Pterospermum (Indo-Malesia), trees, mostly open places in lowland rain forest; - Scaphium (West Malesia), trees, lowland rain forest; - Sterculia (pantropical), trees, rarely shrubs, lowland and montane, primary, sec-ondary and seasonal forest.

Notes: The family is represented in a variety of habitats; several species are weedy. — Some useful to man: medicinal use: Scaphium; stimulants: Coca*, Theobroma*; chocolate products: Theobroma*; edible seed: some Scaphium and Sterculia; orna-mentals: Dombeya*, Sterculia; timber: Heritiera, Scaphium.

Literature: K.M. Kochummen, Tree Fl. Mal. 2 (1972) 353-382; I.G.M. Tantra, Peng. Lemb. Penel. Hutan 102 (1976) 1-192 (Sterculia).

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Sterculiaceae 25, 58, 83, 84, 99 - Abroma 29, 72 - Brachychiton 29, 38, 64 - Byttneria 5, 38, 95 - Commersonia 64, 72, 95 - Firmiana 8, 14, 38, 98 - Heritiera 26, 36, 38, 48, 98 - Hildegardia 8, 98 - Kleinhovia 98 - Leptonychia 64 - Pterocymbium 98 - Pterospermum 26, 51, 53, 70 - Pterygota 102 - Reevesia 38 - Scaphium 38, 53, 98 - Sterculia 8, 10, 14, 38, 48, 51, 53, 64, 70; S. foetida (fl.) 24 - Theobroma 38, 70.

Illustrations: Fig. 162. Heritiera macrophylla Wall. ex Kurz, showing habit and detail of flower (Courtesy Rein-wardtia, Bogor). Fig. 163. Sterculia stipulata Korth.: a. habit; b. fruit (Courtesy Dr. P.J.A. Kessler); c. flower of S. schlechteri Mildbr. in LS.

Image in PhytoImages for Sterculiaceae