Familia Berberidaceae


Morphological description

Armed shrubs, wood yellow; exstipulate.


Flower bisexual, actinomorphic; perianth of 4-9 free segments, yellow; stamens 4-6, free, anthers opening with valves; ovary superior 1-celled.

Different from: Menispermaceae: unarmed climbers, flowers unisexual.

Distribution: A mainly northern hemisphere family. In Malesia only Berberis and Mahonia each with one species.

Notes: Cultivated ornamental shrubs: Berberis and Nandina*.

Literature: C.A. Backer & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 1 (1965) 149-151; C.G.G. J. van Steenis, Mountain Flora Java (1972) Pl. 7, explanation.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Berberidaceae 12, 79, 83, 87 - Berberis 69. New volume: 7,52, 61, 89, 93, 94, 99

Illustrations: Fig. 32. Berberis morrisonensis Hay. (Berberidaceae). Twigs; enlarged flower. Reproduced from R. Kanehira, Formosan Trees (1936) 182, fig. 132.

Images in PhytoImages for Berberidaceae.