Familia Campanulaceae


Morphological description

Plants usually erect herbs, laticiferous. Sometimes climber (Codonopsis javanica).


Leaves simple, exstipulate; usually spiral, dentate.


Flower bisexual; 5-merous, calyx segments free, petals connate, disk present, ovary inferior, ovules numerous. Flowers epiphyllous (Ruthiella).


Fruit a capsule.

Different from: Goodeniaceae: not laticiferous, stigma indusiate, ovules few.

Distribution: The family worldwide, some 70 genera of which 6 in Malesia, including- Lobelia (worldwide), herbs or shrubs, mainly montane; - Wahlenbergia (mainly southern hemisphere), herbs of open places.

Notes: Some species of Lobelia are (potential) ornamentals.

Literature: B. Moeliono & P. Tuyn, Fl. Males. I, 6 (1960) 107-141.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Campanulaceae 99 - Codonopsis 19, 92 - Laurentia 19, 92 - Lobelia 19, 92 - Ruthiella 74, 92 - Wahlenbergia 92.

Illustrations: Fig. 40. Ruthiella subcordata (Merr. & Perry) Steen. (Campanulaceae). Habit; flower and fruit enlarged. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 6 (1960) 139, fig. 22a-c. Fig. 41. Lobelia montana Reinw. ex Blume (Campanulaceae). Apex of flowering stem and ripe fruit in natural poise. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 6 (1960) 132, fig. 17. Fig. 42. Wahlenbergia confusa Merr. & Perry (Campanulaceae). Habit; longitudinal section of flower and filament, enlarged. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 6 (1960) 115, fig. 2.

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