Genus Chloranthaceae


Morphological description

More or less woody, erect, twigs with swollen nodes.


Leaves simple, decussate (incl. verticillate), dentate, penninerved, interpetiolar ridge or stipule.


Inflorescence terminal.


Flower reduced (without perianth); ovary inferior.


Fruit a 1-seeded drupe. Sometimes drupes ripening white (Chloranthus) or red (Sarcandra).

Different from: Acanthaceae: flowers well developed, cystoliths. — Piperaceae: leaves mostly alternate, entire, ovary superior.

Distribution: The family has a patchy distribution, absent from Africa, Australia, Europe, North America. In Malesia 4 genera, incl.: - Ascarina (East Malesia, Paciļ¬c), trees; montane rain forest.

Notes: Medicinal use: Chloranthus erectus (C. officinalis); leaves used as tea: C. spicatus.

Literature: B. Verdcourt, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1986) 123-144.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Chloranthaceae swollen nodes, leaf margin dentate/ serrate, stipules interpetiolar, ovary inferior Chloranthus stamens with appendages, ripe fruits white.

Illustrations: Fig. 27. Chloranthus erectus (Buch.Ham.) Verdc. B. Verdcourt, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1986) 123-144.

Images in PhytoImages for Chloranthaceae.