Familia Cruciferae


NB Cruciferae is a synonym of Brassicaceae. Since it is a conserved name it is still valid to use.

Morphological description

Herbaceous usually.


Leaves simple, spiral, indented or lobed, exstipulate.


Inflorescence terminal.


Flower bisexual, 4-merous; stamens 6; ovary superior, 2-locular; placentation parietal, ovules many.


Fruit elongate, dehiscent.

Different from: Capparidaceae (Cleome): stamens many, ovary 1-celled.

Distribution: The family is best represented outside the tropics. In Malesia 3 indigenous genera including- Cardamine, herbs of open places, especially in the mountains. - Lepidium (Papuzilla), spiny subshrubs in alpine vegetation.

Notes: Several species of Brassica, Raphanus and Rorippa are cultivated as vegetables, especially in the mountains. Many species are weeds.

Literature: B. Jonsell, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1988) 541-560.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Lepidium (Papuzilla) 1, 12.

Illustrations: Fig. 61. Lepidium laeteviride (P. Royen) Hewson (Cruciferae). a. Habit, °- 4; b. flower; c. ditto, calyx removed, both °- 12; d. petals; e. ovary; f. ovary, lateral view, all °- 16; g. fruit; h. seeds; i. fruit valve, all °- 4. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 10 (1988) 549, fig. 2. a c b d e f g h i 85 Fig. 62. Rorippa peekelii (O.E. Schulz) P. Royen (Cruciferae). Habit and fruiting raceme; seed, scale bar 1 mm. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 10 (1988) 558, fig. 5.

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