Familia Achariaceae

NB In APG IV Achariaceae includes genera formerly placed in Flacourtiaceae (see list below)

Morphological description

Trees or shrubs.

Leaves alternate (opposite in Ryparosa p.p.), simple, entire, sometimes toothed.


Petals usually white or whitish, sepals 2-3, petals 6-12, often connate at the base; stamens opposite the petals, stamens sometimes numerous (Ahernia, Pangium), ovary superior.


Fruit dehiscent berry or capsule; seeds usually angular and often covered with brightly coloured arils.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy):

Ant plant (Ryparosa calotricha), wave-like sympodial branching (Pangium), crushed leaves/fruits smell of fenugreek (Ryparosa hulletii), petioles enlarged and swollen at both ends (p.p.), opposite leaves in spiral-leaved families (Ryparosa p.p.), asymmetric simple leaves (Hydnocarpus p.p.), triplinerved leaves (Ahernia, Erythrospermum, Ryparosa), intramarginal vein (Scaphocalyx), stellate hairs (Hydnocarpus p.p.), T-shaped hairs (Ryparosa),  laminar or petiolar glands (Ahernia (petiole), Hydnocarpus, Trichadenia), pustulate/papillose leaf surface (Hydnocarpus), cauliflorous flowering (Hydnocarpus p.p., Pseudosmelia p.p., Ryparosa p.p., Scaphocalyx), inflorescence fasciculate combined with distichous alternate leaves (Hydnocarpus p.p.), supra-axillary inflorescence (Hydnocarpus p.p.), condensed racemes (Hydnocarpus p.p.), corolla with appendages (Achariaceae p.p.), stamens opposite the petals, numerous stamens (Ahernia, Pangium), broad flat stigma (Hydnocarpus p.p., Ryparosa), fruit white (Scaphocalyx), woody fruits with seeds scattered in the placenta (Hydnocarpus, Scaphocalyx), fruits muricate, tuberculate or rugose (Erythrospermum, Hydnocarpus polypetala), trilocular capsules (Erythrospermum).

Different from: Rather diverse family.

Distribution: Pantropical.

Literature: Sleumer, H. O. 1980. Flacourtiaceae. Flora Neotropica No. 22. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden.


Formerly placed in Falcourtiaceae (and taken up in this Key):




